24 Jul 2018

Pashyn Santos: The Comedian

Pashyn Santos: The Comedian
Text by Rae Sojot | Illustration by Mitchell Fong | Source: Hale Season 2

Pashyn Noheamakanaonalani Santos always knew she would be an entertainer.

A proud Hawaiian girl, her relatable style of humor, which draws upon her cultural identity and upbringing in Mā‘ili, Wai‘anae, has made her an internet sensation with more than half a million followers across her social media platforms. Her two most famous video sketches and characters, “Local Maddahs” and “Pidgin Siri,” continue to make the digital rounds for their hilarious and pitch-perfect observations about the all-too-familiar parenting techniques of Hawai‘i moms and the epic fail that can result when using iPhone’s voice recognition software with a thick local accent.

Here, Santos translates a comedic bit about Hawai‘i’s most famous, if not sometimes frustratingly hard to decipher, Pidgin word—“da kine”—into a comic strip exclusively for Hale.

Follow Santos on Instagram at @pashyn and Youtube.

Pashyn Santos: The Comedian

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